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Response to the 4 P's of Marketing

This is in response to Alex Kundert’s post:
I definitely agree on all of your explanations for each of the four marketing principles. You used great examples to back up your views and it helped a lot in understanding the 4 P’s of marketing. I like how you used the fact of place as the amount of job opportunities in the specific location that you are living. In my post, I focused more on the transportation costs and travel to get to your job and if it will be worth the drive in the long run. Price is an important factor too and brings up two questions: What price are you willing to work for? What price is the company willing to pay? Also like you mentioned, having a positive reputation from past references is a key attribute when finding a job. I brought up the fact that you have to also present yourself in a professional manner, and really promote that you are the perfect fit for the job. How will you tackle each of the four marketing principles?

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